Mura’s proprietary technology, HydroPRS™, is an advanced recycling process able to convert end-of-life plastics back into the chemical and oils from which they were made, for use in the petrochemical industry in the production of new plastic and other materials. This broadens the scope of recyclable plastic materials, and helps to create a circular economy for plastic.
The process utilises the Cat-HTR™ technology at its core, a platform developed by Licella Holdings Pty., which uses supercritical water, heat and pressure via hydrothermal liquefaction to break long-chain hydrocarbons, donating hydrogen to produce shorter-chain, stable hydrocarbon products.
Striving for a Plastic Neutral Society
The effects of plastic pollution are global; from microplastics in the food chain to landfill leakage, the lack of effective recycling solutions creates a circular pollution problem.
We strive for a #plasticneutral approach, which comes from developing a circular plastics economy. By moving away from the traditional linear model of create-consume-dispose to one of create-consume-recycle, we:
Convert plastics destined for incineration, landfill or the environment into valuable products
Extract value from waste plastic, that would have otherwise been lost
Reduce the requirement for fossil resource in the production of plastic, as part of the decarbonisation agenda
Allow plastic to remain a part of our everyday lives, with a strong recycling model to ensure its after-use
By achieving the above, we become #plasticneutral – continuing to use a product that has so many benefits, whilst ensuring it is responsibly managed.