Ingevity is the world leader in polycaprolactone technology and innovation, with a 40-year history of helping compounders and converters produce safer, more sustainable and higher performing bioplastics. Our Capa® family of caprolactone-based thermoplastic products are ideally suited for bags and films, rigid packaging, and paper coatings. Ingevity’s Capa team is world-renowned for helping customers improve their existing bioplastics offerings, extending the use of biopolymers, and ultimately creating more competitive products.
Processing advantages
Easy to process
Thermally stable
Broad processing window
Performance advantages
No packaging degradation with use
Remains flexible in cold environments
Fast biodegradability
Certified compostability
Business advantages
Higher quality of final bioplastic material means better brand recognition for your final product
Better processing and stability mean reduced waste
Home compostability opens new business opportunities
Capa® 6250
High molecular weight linear polyester.
Capa® 6500D
Premium grade, high molecular-weight linear polyester.
Capa® 6400
High molecular weight linear polyester.
Capa® 6500
High molecular weight linear polyester.
Capa® 6800
High molecular-weight linear polyester.

Inquire about Capa® from Ingevity