PT Intera Lestari Polimer, formerly under PT Inter Aneka Lestari Kimia, is an Indonesian company manufacturing plastic masterbatches and polymer compounds since 1990, which later on in 2009 developed bio-polymer compounds. In 2011, we introduced biodegradable bags to the local market. Further technical development gave us the confidence to engage in the international market with ENVIPLAST® bio-based pellets and film/bags.
We achieved ISO 9001 certification in 2000, the 5S concept implemented in 2007, achieved OHSAS 18000 in 2010, and ISO 14001 certification in 2014. These have helped solidify the company to become a reliable partner in the industry.
We work harmoniously to provide bio-based products and services to our customers that offer consistency in quality and reliability, in response to our customers’ needs and growth, while ensuring continuous innovation and improvement as well as the safety and health of our employees in their work environment.
HQ : Indonesia