Arkema, a leader in Specialty Materials.
Building on its unique set of expertise in materials science, Arkema designs materials to address the ever-growing demand for innovative and sustainable materials, driven by the challenges of new energies, new technologies, the depletion of resources, mobility, and increasing urbanization.
The Group is structured into three coherent and complementary segments dedicated to Specialty Materials (Adhesive Solutions, Advanced Materials, and Coating Solutions) accounting for 82% of its sales, and an Intermediates segment leveraging competitive and global product lines.
Sustained by the collective energy of its 20,600 employees, Arkema operates in some 55 countries and reports sales of €7.9 billion.
Green chemistry and bio-based products from Arkema
In response to the dwindling supply of fossil resources, Arkema focuses its research efforts on renewable raw materials to produce green chemicals and bioplastics, which are more environmentally friendly. Its innovative solutions respond perfectly to the UN’s sustainable development goal (SGD 12) “ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”. In 2016, 10% of its turnover was made with renewable materials.
Arkema’s expertise in plant chemistry :
Arkema has a unique know-how in the chemistry of the castor plant, a non-edible plant, from which a wide range of high-performance long-chain biosourced polyamides (Rilsan® polyamide 11 range) are produced.
Many finished products are already made from these biopolymers: soles of sports shoes, eyeglasses, casing of cell phones, auto parts, etc. Today, 5 biorefineries of the Group are manufacturing products from plants.
Our bio-based processes prove that you can use renewable feedstock to make technical, cost-competitive products that meet a real market demand.”
Arkema’s R&D is exploring additional opportunities based on other plant species as raw materials:
Propylene, which is used to manufacture our acrylic acid essential for countless applications (pharmaceuticals, paper industry, paints, etc.), could be produced from glycerol, a polyol obtained from the production of biofuels made from rapeseed, sunflower or soya oil.
Cecabase®RT additives for road bitumen contain surfactants 50% made from raw materials of renewable origin. Their use helps reduce by up to 50°C the application temperature of road surfacing, and thus significantly save energy consumption compared to the standard process.
Bioplastics for automotive equipment
On the strength of its expertise in castor oil chemistry, Arkema has developed a full range of ultra high performance biosourced polyamides capable of replacing metal in many under-hood applications.
In particular, Arkema recently developed the Rilsan® HT polyphthalamide (PPA) biopolymer used in the manufacture of certain under-hood equipment such as fuel lines, hydraulic lines, and connectors. This thermoplastic exhibits exceptional chemical and high temperature resistance, making it suitable to replace metal and rubber for the manufacture of rigid or flexible parts.
Collaborations to develop new plant-based raw materials
Alongside 17 European partners — businesses, agricultural institutes and universities —, Arkema is participating in the COSMOS research project, supported by the European Union and launched in March 2015.
The objective is to study the agro-industrial uses of camelina and crambe, two poorly known oilseed crops that cope with poor soil and can be harvested in just three months. They contain fatty acids that are not widely available in nature, potentially convertible into high-quality bioplastics.
Another major collaboration is Fiabilin in France, an R&D collaborative project overseen by Arkema and launched in September 2012. Its aim is to develop the use of flax in the manufacture of composite materials for a variety of markets, including automotive. Thanks to these vegetable fibers, manufacturers will be able to use high performance technical flax to replace glass fiber or carbon fiber as reinforcement for composite matrices.
Pebax® Rnew® – a premium bio-based elastomer range from Arkema
World Leading Elastomeric Performance
Pebax® Rnew® elastomers are frequently specified in sports shoes/boots by world leading athletes and famous sports brands. Countless world records have been set by Pebax Powered® footwear. Usain Bolt put his trust in Pebax® elastomers as he powered his way to victory, as did the first, second, and third place finishers in the Rio De Janeiro marathon. Not to mention the hundreds of World Cup goals scored by Pebax Powered® soccer stars!
The unparalleled retention of energy efficiency (low loss due to hysteresis) allows the athlete to run faster, straighter, and longer.
What is Pebax ® Elastomer?
Pebax ® elastomers are block copolymers composed of rigid polyamide blocks and flexible polyether blocks. By manipulating these blocks and their relative proportions, considering the flexibility even without plasticizers, there are a variety of products from hard and rigid products to very soft and flexible products. This unique polymer has both the stiffness of polyamide and the flexibility and elasticity of polyether/polyester.
Pebax ® elastomers are among the best performing products in the world.
Pebax ® Rnew ® is an eco-friendly product.
Pebax Powered® Running Shoes
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Download: Pebax ® Elastomer Construction Brochure
main properties
Light weight, energy recovery, low temperature performance…
Processing instructions
Handling, drying, injection, extrusion, overmolding…
Medical USP VI, Food Contact
Proven Legacy
Pebax ® elastomers, over the years, have become famous for their amazing combination of light weight (typically 20% lighter than competitive polymers) and highly efficient energy recovery. The “hysteresis loss” (the intrinsic energy loss during a flex cycle) is among the lowest in the world. Pebax ® elastomers also tend to retain this flexural efficiency characteristic over a wide temperature range. That is, they do not tend to harden or become brittle at low temperatures and do not become soft or lose elasticity at high temperatures.
excellent sports performance
PUMA® evoPOWER Soccer Boots
The unique combination of light weight, toughness, flexibility and good energy recovery has helped establish Pebax ® resins as reference polymers in many flagship sports applications.
A simple Google ® search reveals that most of the world’s leading manufacturers of sports shoes, non-skid boots and ski boots are proud to present the Pebax ® brand, the standard of excellence and advanced technology, as a badge of honor. Hundreds of world records have been set on tracks around the world by Pebax ® elastomers. And the famous professional athletes who demand only the best get the help they need to cut records and win matches, including countless goals, touchdowns and downhill times!
Visit our Pebax Powered ® website for exciting new consumer brand programs, and follow our social media pages for inspiring videos and emotional stories.
catheter for critical care
Cardiac surgeons around the world know why Pebax ® MEDs are the standard for angioplasty catheters worldwide. They require good torque conversion efficiency while at the same time requiring strength and good mobility. To read and learn more about Arkema’s Medical Devices Policy, please visit our Medical Devices and Catheters page.
industrial strength
breathable film
Arkema can tailor its polymer composition to offer Pebax ® elastomers for a wide variety of industrial applications . Some products are inherently breathable. Films made from these products allow water vapor to pass through, while preventing water movement.
Similarly, many products are inherently antistatic properties. These products guarantee permanent electrification when used as an additive.
Pebax ® elastomers are also recommended for a wide variety of industrial films that require the traditional durability and toughness of polyamide resins (nylon) while also requiring bending, suction and repeated bending capabilities.
Pebax ® Rnew ® – partially eco-friendly, recycled products
Pebax ® Rnew ® products are partially eco-friendly and renewable elastomers using the same raw materials as Rilsan ® Polyamide 11 (PA11). The basic building blocks of PA11 are synthesized using castor oil derived from the seeds of castor (an inedible plant that grows with little or no water). The Pebax ® Rnew ® range is a polyether block amide with a PA11 amide block, unlike the regular Pebax ® range with a PA12 block .
General market/application:
Sports shoes, equipment, clothing
skis and ski boots
antistatic additive
breathable film
home appliances
Medical devices and catheters
wearable devices
optics, glasses
Conveyor Belts and Pulleys
wire and cable
HQ : France

Inquire about Rilsan from Arkema.