AnEco is the compostable products manufacturing by advanced technology of An Phat Bioplastics, the member of An Phat Holdings
Currently, AnEco products have gone through rigorous tests and received many of the world’s leading prestigious certificates such as OK Compost HOME and OK Compost INDUSTRIAL of TUV Austria, along with BPI Compostable of the US, DIN Certo Compostable and Biobased 50 – 85% of Germany.
AnEco compostable bags
AnEco has been providing a full range of food bags, supermarket bags, waste bags, etc.
AnEco 100% compostable bags are made from AnBio compostable materials, safe for users’ health and environmentally friendly.
Materials are soft, tough, strong, without water leaking, serving customers’ different needs
Capable of decomposing into plant humus, water and CO2 in the natural environment, by “being eaten” by soil microorganisms after 6 months to 1 year.
Useful for organic and inorganic waste containing, suitable for families and offices.
AnEco compostable knives, spoons, forks and straws
Made from AnBio compostable materials, safe for users’ health and environmentally friendly.
Suitable for meals, parties with a large number of people
Have BPI compostable Certificate of the US, TUV OK Compost of EU and DinCerto Compostable of Germany
Capable of decomposing within a 6 to 12 months period after being collected and landfilled under the industrial processing condition.
Preserved in a cool, dry place, away from the direct sunlight.
AnEco compostable gloves
Made entirely from AnBio compostable materials, safe for users’ health and environmentally friendly.
Materials are soft, tough, strong, without water leaking, serving customers’ different needs.
Capable of decomposing into plant humus, water and CO2 in the natural environment by “being eaten” by soil microorganisms after 6 months to 1 year.
Useful for organic and inorganic waste containing, suitable for families and restaurants, hotels, etc.
AnEco compostable agricultural films
Manufactured from compostable, eco-friendly raw materials.
Capable of decomposing into plant humus, water and CO2 in the natural environment by “being eaten” by soil microorganisms after 6 months to 1 year.
Highly safe for the environment without any micro plastic, without affecting the farmland quality.
An Phat Bioplastics can provide customers with large single and multi-layer agricultural films, with diverse sizes, serving different needs.
HQ : Viet Nam